The Grocery Store
In The Grocery Store you can rent a single room – a double room or the whole apartment.
Level-free access to the apartment makes it wheelchair accessible everywhere, including the bathroom facilities.
In the apartment there is a kitchen / dining room, bathroom, double room with TV, living room / single room with TV.
There is free internet.
The kitchen contains, fridge freezer, stove, microwave, coffee maker / kettle.
The Grocery Store with associated sales of gasoline and diesel has in fact been a store from 1988 until 2002.
The school in Lindum was closed in 2000 and after the customer base disappeared, the grocery store was closed in 2002.
Today you can still see where the money-throwing machine was located.
In 2007 when I bought the property, it was time to change the room layout a bit, and it was turned into a double room in the back of the shop and a single room in the warehouse.
Back of the shop
Where there is a double bed
Where there is a single room / living room.